Humankindness Project operates from a  positive stance to educate society about the power of Acts of Kindness both for the receiver and the giver.  Empowering people through the knowledge of Positivity and encouraging the individuals to “Pay it Foward” changing others.  

Passion, Respect & Integrity creating Positivity and Kindness.  Humankindness Project is on a quest to make it “trendy” to focus on the positive and bringing surprise happiness to oneself and others.  

The key is to have Respect, (compassion) and Kindness for yourself as well as others and implementing these with Passion, (Joy) and the Integrity to be honest with followthrough.  We have been conditioned to focus on the troubles and pains in life even though this focus will bring more negative into our sphere of existence. The Humankindness Project believes that the world can be improved by training people to focus on the Positive while sharing Kindness is various forms  

Build a Community, Build a Platform, Share with the World 

The first phase of Humankindness Project is to create a community that wishes to support, assist and uplift each other.   The second phase is to build on the platform for sharing peoples’, inspirational, motivating, emotional and humorous stories of Kindness.  Concurrently creating an online library of ideas, inspirations, lessons, and education to empower individuals so they can share the Kindness and empower others.

Human’s have 3 Primal Drives:  Perpetuation, Preservation, and Acquisition.  Within these 3 Primal Drives are15 basic or fundamental human desires and values that give rise to human behavior, as revealed in the Reiss et al study these are:

  • Curiosity – desire to learn

  • Food – desire to eat

  • Honor – (morality) desire to behave in accordance with code of conduct

  • Rejection – fear of social rejection   

  • Sex – desire for sexual behavior and fantasies

  • Physical exercise – desire for physical activity

  • Order – desired amount of organization in daily life 

  • Independence – desire to make own decisions

  • Vengeance – desire to retaliate when offended

  • Social Contact – desire to be in the company of others

  • Family – desire to spend time with own family

  • Social Prestige – desire for prestige and positive attention

  • Citizenship – desire for public service and social justice

  • Aversive Sensations – aversion to pain and anxiety

  • Power – desire to influence people

It should be very apparent that many of these fundamental values can be greatly affected positively or negatively with decisions yet, our society is making these decisions almost blindly.  Humankindness Project will give the tools to antecedently influence these decisions in a positive manner thus, improving the overall quality of life for oneself as well as those we interact with.

There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.

Walk before you Run.
Building a solid foundation to work from is paramount in any undertaking. Kevin Larson has designed “Positive” a game which develops one’s skills at focusing on the Positive. This builds the foundation to work from in order to create a rockstar life through appreciation, respect & understanding.

Humankindness Project wants Kindness for people regardless of their gender, life choices, religious beliefs, economic standing and desires everyone to live Life to it’s fullest in Positive state of Passion while having Integrity and Respect for oneself and others.

Operating expenses will be raised through membership fees, events, and donations. These funds will, in turn, be used to further the reach of the Foundation and expand on the Library of Resources.